So much has happened since my last post and I feel I have grown in awareness greatly as a result.
Have you noticed how the world is waking up? The signs are all around us, and I find myself no longer being the 'eccentric one' at dinner parties as more and more of the people around us are realising we are beings of pure love and light with limitless potential.
Accompanying this awakening has been a growing need for truth and integrity and the exposure of any systems that do not hold these values (banks, governments, pharmaceuticals to name just a few). In fact it seems that a myriad organisations whose ill founded need to control the people are starting to crumble or their true motives are being exposed for the world to see. It's a joy to witness each week in the conventional media yet another new exposure of lies and corruption and the process appears to be quickening in synch with the awakening of our world. Now the stories that were once the exclusive domain of the alternative media such as Wikileaks, InfoWars, Natural News, etc are now filtering into the controlled mainstream, albeit in highly edited form!
So this awakening has brought with it a growing awareness of who we really are, and for me, I have realised that the world we live in including everything in it, our physical bodies, our thoughts, our emotions and yes even our food are just pure energy. It helps explain why we seem to be connected in ways we have until now not really fully understood (eg. sensing when someone is about to call, or picking up a feeling in a room when someone's had an argument). And it also helps us understand why raw foods help us so much more than cooked foods; because they are of a higher energy.
You see when you cook food you can actually see (using Kirilian photography) how the energy is reduced and this results in a measurable physical depletion in energy (eg. the nutrients are reduced, the enzymes are destroyed, the cell walls broken down, etc). What's interesting is that the more higher energy foods we eat, the higher our vibration (energy) and when cells are created from higher energy, their form is more pure and so our health is better. What's more I also notice that my consciousness raises with the amount of raw food I have eaten, so I have better access to the infinite wisdom of the universe and am better able to make decisions that are in true alignment with my soul. So raw food helps me be me and helps me listen to my intuition (ie, the infinite knowledge of the universe) much more easily. I find that people come into my life at the perfect moment and that opportunities that arise are perfectly in synch with my intentions.
I also notice the opposite effect in my children when they go to parties and eat a lot of sugary foods - they seem to lose their connection to their inner selves and become quite fearful, paranoid and even angry afterwards. Their normal calm demeanour vanishes with the excess sugars in their blood, and trying to have a rational conversation with them is near on impossible. Even the next day they reflect on their experience in a less than positive way, 'remembering' the bad things that happened and the minor issues that came up, rather than the manic happiness they exhibit whilst at the party. I'll never be a mum who restricts party food as food is such a social thing and to bring your children up so they are excluded from social activities is not something I believe is in their best interests (despite the detrimental effect the food has on their feelings). However, we do talk about the effect food has on their behaviour and wellbeing afterwards and I do encourage them to be more balanced with their choices at parties. We do also talk about the energy of food and what foods make them feel good in the long term.
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
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