Monday, 10 August 2009

My first attempt to eat all raw foods

My first attempt to "go raw", as raw food eaters would say, was in November 2008, which was a silly time of year to start in hindsight since I realise that your body takes a while to adjust to eating raw food and I ended up feeling pretty cold for most of the time (I live on the edge of the French alps)!

My other mistake was to think I could survive on salads and fruit all day long (after all, the raw foodists seemed to, so why couldn't I? After 3 days, my stomach was so full but I felt weak and couldn't concentrate. I was starving! One evening, I worked out my calorie consumption for the day - just 750 calories - no wonder I was hungry!

I started filling up on nut butter and tahini (not raw) in between my main meals of salad, but my tummy felt a bit better and I did feel very healthy, albeit cold and definitely craving some warm food.

About 2 weeks in, I spotted some new raw biscuits on sale in our local health food shop. "Raw and not salad!", I thought and so I grabbed a few bags, thinking this could be what I was looking for. I couldn't wait to get home and opened one of the Tomato and Paprika flavour bags. They were delicious! In fact, I was overjoyed to have found something that tasted so good and was also raw.

After 3 weeks on my raw food diet, despite the raw crackers, eventually hunger and cold got the better of me and I cooked a soya burger and some stir fry vegetables - they tasted delicious! Looking back, I also remember feeling pretty awful a couple of hours after I'd done this - tired and heavy feeling, but put it down to needing to adjust to cooked foods and carried on regardless. Then later that evening, still feeling hungry, I ate a whole bar of Lindt 85% chocolate (and was awake all night as a result!!!)

Now I know that soya is one of the worst things I could have broken my raw food trial on.... but more of that in another post.

What did I learn?

Raw food did make me feel better, but I needed to find a different balance of foods.

The timing wasn't right - I resolved to try again when the weather was warmer.

That raw crackers are delicious.

I still love chocolate!

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